Free Spring Celebration Event: Birds, Plants and Insects!

Free Spring Celebration Event: Birds, Plants and Insects!

Come for the amphitheater groundbreaking and stay for a celebration of spring and World Migratory Bird Day at the annual Spring Celebration event on Saturday, May 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge and the Friends of Sherburne invite the public of all ages to this FREE, family-friendly event at the Oak Savanna Learning Center.

At the celebration, learn more about birds, pollinators and native plants through interactive displays staffed by local experts. Create nature crafts, enjoy a story walk, navigate through the Migration Challenge, understand the importance of insects, complete a photo scavenger hunt, try out a spotting scope and more! 

A silent auction will be held during the event that will display local, nature-themed items.

The Eagle’s Nest Nature Store will also be open, featuring a variety of books, clothing, jewelry and gifts. Lunch will be available for purchase from a local food truck.

At 10:30 a.m., the Friends of Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge invite the public to be part of the
groundbreaking for the new amphitheater. After a year of fundraising, the Friends are pleased to celebrate the start of construction, which is expected to be complete by the end of summer. The new amphitheater will expand educational and recreational options for students and visitors to learn about wildlife and habitats that make the refuge special. Thanks to many generous donors, the Friends are nearly to their goal to raise $400,000 for the amphitheater, which will seat at least 100 and be accessible to visitors of all abilities. The amphitheater will provide unobstructed views of the nearby wetlands and oak savanna. For more information, go to

At 11:00 a.m. Diane Hirigoyen, from the Xerces Society, will begin a talk on “The Wonderful World of
Insects.” Discover all the reasons insects are important for wildlife and humans and how you can protect them! This presentation is suitable for all ages.

Throughout the day, there will be volunteer interpretive rover presence on the Prairie’s Edge Wildlife Drive to highlight birds, pollinators, wildflowers and points of interest along the 7.3-mile auto tour. Enjoy the Wildlife drive at your own pace!

The Wildlife Drive entrance is located off County Road 5 between County Road 4 and 9.

The Oak Savanna Learning Center is located 1⁄4 mile west of refuge headquarters off Sherburne County Road 9 at 16797 289th Ave NW, Zimmerman, MN 55398; look for event signs.

For more information, visit or contact us at
or 763-389-3323.